The best market conditions for a startup are: low market maturity and low product maturity. Markets with other combinations of these two market factors give Big Dumb Companies (BDCs) a decided advantage over startups. As noted in The Rookie Advantage (, startups are not bound by the past and have no prior success by which they can bevictimized. This lack of institutional history frees startups to view the world in unconventional ways. Embrace this freedom at your adVenture and avoid trying to beat BDC’s at their own game. One proven strategy for entrepreneurial success is to avoid the well trod path of the BDC. As described in depth in Conventional Wisdom Isn’t (, today’s unconventional solution often becomes tomorrow’s industry standard. Imagine how ineffective a team of NBA All Stars would be if they were thrust on a rugby field, with no knowledge of the game’s strategy or rules. Even though the basketball players are intelligent, skilled athletes, it is unlikely they would become accomplished rugby players before the match was over. In the world of startups, the Golden Rule is NOT, “Those who have the gold, make the rules.” Instead, the entrepreneurial Golden Rule is, “Those who make the rules, get the gold.” As such, you will have far more success toppling BDC’s if you create a new game with an entirely new set of rules and force BDC’s to compete with you on your terms. It is easiest to change the rules when the market and product category are emerging.