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Mon, 18 Jul 2011

systemd for Administrators, Part IX

Here's the ninth installment of my ongoing series on systemd for Administrators:

On /etc/sysconfig and /etc/default

So, here's a bit of an opinion piece on the /etc/sysconfig/ and /etc/default directories that exist on the various distributions in one form or another, and why I believe their use should be faded out. Like everything I say on this blog what follows is just my personal opinion, and not the gospel and has nothing to do with the position of the Fedora project or my employer. The topic of /etc/sysconfig has been coming up in discussions over and over again. I hope with this blog story I can explain a bit what we as systemd upstream think about these files.

A few lines about the historical context: I wasn't around when /etc/sysconfig was introduced -- suffice to say it has been around on Red Hat and SUSE distributions since a long long time. Eventually /etc/default was introduced on Debian with very similar semantics. Many other distributions know a directory with similar semantics too, most of them call it either one or the other way. In fact, even other Unix-OSes sported a directory like this. (Such as SCO. If you are interested in the details, I am sure a Unix greybeard of your trust can fill in what I am leaving vague here.) So, even though a directory like this has been known widely on Linuxes and Unixes, it never has been standardized, neither in POSIX nor in LSB/FHS. These directories very much are something where distributions distuingish themselves from each other.

The semantics of /etc/default and /etc/sysconfig are very losely defined only. What almost all files stored in these directories have in common though is that they are sourcable shell scripts which primarily consist of environment variable assignments. Most of the files in these directories are sourced by the SysV init scripts of the same name. The Debian Policy Manual (9.3.2) and the Fedora Packaging Guidelines suggest this use of the directories, however both distributions also have files in them that do not follow this scheme, i.e. that do not have a matching SysV init script -- or not even are shell scripts at all.

Why have these files been introduced? On SysV systems services are started via init scripts in /etc/rc.d/init.d (or a similar directory). /etc/ is (these days) considered the place where system configuration is stored. Originally these init scripts were subject to customization by the administrator. But as they grew and become complex most distributions no longer considered them true configuration files, but more just a special kind of programs. To make customization easy and guarantee a safe upgrade path the customizable bits hence have been moved to separate configuration files, which the init scripts then source.

Let's have a quick look what kind of configuration you can do with these files. Here's a short incomprehensive list of various things that can be configured via environment settings in these source files I found browsing through the directories on a Fedora and a Debian machine:

Now, let's go where the beef is: what's wrong with /etc/sysconfig (resp. /etc/default)? Why might it make sense to fade out use of these files in a systemd world?

What to use instead? Here are a few recommendations of what to do with these files in the long run in a systemd world:

Of course, there's one very good reason for supporting these files for a bit longer: compatibility for upgrades. But that's is really the only one I could come up with. It's reason enough to keep compatibility for a while, but I think it is a good idea to phase out usage of these files at least in new packages.

If compatibility is important, then systemd will still allow you to read these configuration files even if you otherwise use native systemd unit files. If your sysconfig file only knows simple options EnvironmentFile=-/etc/sysconfig/foobar (See systemd.exec(5) for more information about this option.) may be used to import the settings into the environment and use them to put together command lines. If you need a programming language to make sense of these settings, then use a programming language like shell. For example, place an short shell script in /usr/lib/<your package>/ which reads these files for compatibility, and then exec's the actual daemon binary. Then spawn this script instead of the actual daemon binary with ExecStart= in the unit file.

And this is all for now. Thank you very much for your interest.

posted at: 00:34 | path: /projects | permanent link to this entry | comments

It should be obvious but in case it isn't: the opinions reflected here are my own. They are not the views of my employer, or Ronald McDonald, or anyone else.

Please note that I take the liberty to delete any comments posted here that I deem inappropriate, off-topic, or insulting. And I excercise this liberty quite agressively. So yes, if you comment here, I might censor you. If you don't want to be censored you are welcome to comment on your own blog instead.

Lennart Poettering <mzoybt (at) 0pointer (dot) net>
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